The low down on what ruling planets mean.
Zodiac signs and horoscopes have so much that goes into them. It’s not just your Sun sign that determines your personality; there’s your Moon, your Ascendant, and placements for all of the planets too.
Each planet rules a zodiac sign and has astrology definition to aid in interpreting the natal chart.
All of these things come together to make up every part of your horoscope and personality. They make you, you.
If you’re really overwhelmed by it all, I highly suggest just starting off with your Sun sign. This is the sign you’re most likely to know. One of the cool things about this is that there is also a planet associated with this sign.
What does having a planet ruling a sign mean?
Back in ancient times, astrologers associated the planets with different energies, personalities, and outlooks on life. They would associate the different signs and their qualities to the different planets that aligned with their energy. As more planets were discovered, some signs got an extra planet (or comets) ruling over them.
Here’s a breakdown of all of the signs, their plants, and what they mean.
Planet meaning of Mars the ruler of Aries
In modern times, this seems like a pretty obvious combination. Aries is similar to the Greek god of war Ares, and Mars is the name of his Roman counterpart. Aries are known to be stubborn and not back down from a fight.
Mars’s energy is fiery and loud, and it tends to ignite a lot of discussion and debate. It’s important to understand an Aries point of view in order not to get them to be too stubborn, and that would be when the Mars energy starts to take over a bit more.
Planet meaning of Venus and Ceres the ruler of Taurus
Venus is the Roman name for the Greek goddess Aphrodite. They are both goddesses of love. Ceres is the Roman name for the Greek goddess Demeter, and they are both fertility goddesses, focusing on nature and the harvest.
This combination of ruling planets makes Taurus a sensual and feminine sign, despite being symbolized by the bull. It’s associated with rebirth and fulfillment. This explains the importance of touch and sensuality in the sign.
Planet meaning of Mercury the ruler of Gemini
Mercury is the Roman name for the Greek god Hermes, and both were the messenger of the gods. This means that they were the god that knew the most information about the people around them.
This explains Gemini’s sociable personality. This also lends itself to Gemini’s intellect. Mercury was always known to be in two different worlds since he could be in the underworld and physical world. This explains the intelligent, witty mind of a Gemini.
Planet meaning of the Moon the ruler of Cancer
The Moon controls the oceans and the waves. This is an oddly perfect fit for Cancer, the crab, and the water sign. The Moon is associated with femininity and a close relationship with emotions.
Cancers are one of the most emotional and empathetic signs in the zodiac next to Pisces. They can feel other people’s emotions and react in a complementary manner, which matches the Moon’s effect on the ocean.
Planet meaning of the Sun the ruler of Leo
This is such a good fit for Leo. Leo’s love to be the center of attention, and what better planet to rule it but the center of our solar system, the Sun. The Sun is bright and at the center, and is also the title of one of the most important placements for your zodiac.
Having the Sun as the ruler of Leo, therefore, matches perfectly with its need to be in the center of attention. They are fiery, and the life of the party, just like the Sun.
Planet meaning of Mercury and Chiron the ruler of Virgo
Since we already explained who Mercury was with Gemini, let’s talk a little bit about Chiron. He was the teacher for a lot of the greatest warriors in Greek mythology, and he also happens to be a centaur.
Both Mercury and Chiron affect Virgo’s tendency to gravitate towards logic and pragmaticism. Chiron was methodical in how he taught heroes, and this is similar to Virgo’s methodology and attention to detail.
Planet meaning of Venus the ruler of Libra
Taking into account Venus’s tendency to go towards romance and love, this fits very well into Libra. They tend to be afraid of being alone, and you can definitely consider them to be serial daters.
They will always be in a relationship, and they value love, comfort, and trust above all else. Unlike Venus and Aphrodite’s actions in mythology, Libra’s are also rather fair. This could reflect in want for true love and fairness.
Planet meaning of Mars and Pluto the ruler of Scorpio
These two rulers could lend to the reason Scorpio’s get such a bad rep. With Mars having already been explained in Aries, let’s talk about Pluto. Pluto is our little dwarf planet, and it is also the Roman name for the Greek god Hades.
Scorpio’s are passionate, fierce, and emotional. They can get very jealous, which aligns with Mars’s assertive energy and his outbursts of jealousy in mythology. They are also into some underground things, which lines up with Pluto and his role in his pantheon.
Planet meaning of Jupiter the ruler of Sagittarius
Jupiter is the Roman name for the Greek god Zeus, and they both served as rulers of their pantheons, as well as the gods of the sky. Sagittarians are optimistic and goal-oriented, as well as being very extroverted.
This matches with Jupiter’s energy very well. Jupiter had many affairs and a lot of battles in order to stay at the head of the pantheon. He was goal-oriented, which plays into that part of the Sagittarian personality very well.
Planet meaning of Saturn the ruler of Capricorn
Saturn is the Roman name for the Greek titan Cronos (or Kronos), and they both served as the god of time when the titans ruled the world. Saturn was unnaturally stubborn throughout his life.
This plays well into Capricorn’s tendency to be very stubborn as well, which matches its symbol of the goat. Capricorn’s are serious and family-oriented. They also tend to expect the worst, which matches with Saturn.
Planet meaning of Saturn and Uranus the ruler of Aquarius
In my opinion, Uranus matches better with Aquarius than Saturn does. Uranus is known as the planet of breakthroughs in astrology. This matches up with Aquarius rather well.
This is because Aquarians tend to lean into the other-worldly or supernatural interests. They are deep thinkers and progressive. They are quick to accept any person. Since Uranus is known as an alarm clock in astrology, this matches quite well.
Planet meaning of Jupiter and Neptune the ruler of Pisces
Since Jupiter has already been discussed, let’s go into Neptune. It is the Roman name for the Greek god Poseidon, and they both serve as the god of the seas in their pantheon.
This fits so well into Pisces, and it’s not just because it is a water sign. It is the planet of inspiration and dreams, which aligns very well with Pisces' emotional connections and bright outlook on life. Neptune was known to be quite emotional in mythology, which also matches Pisces too.
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January 17, 2020 at 01:08AM
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